Dragon Room Rental
Looking for a kid-friendly space to rent for a birthday party, holiday gathering, or meeting? Check out the Phinney
Neighborhood Preschool Co-op (PNPC)’s Dragon Room
great for children’s birthday parties
full kitchen including oven, microwave, and refrigerator
children’s library, home center, building toys, and indoor slide
in-room children’s restroom, sinks, table and chairs
site features: parking lot, ADA access, elevator, and outdoor playground
Dates and Times
Monday-Friday: 3 pm – 10 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 9 am – 5 pm
Rental Rates
General Public: $75/hour
Minimum Rental: 3 hours
*All rentals require a refundable $200 deposit
Contact pnpcdragonroom@gmail.com